samedi 5 mai 2012

CSS Resources

Incredibly useful pages with long lists of CSS resources, divided by category:


Is a previously posted link. Big page of CSS links, updated fairly often.

Bobby Vandersluis

Another large list page of interest to those designing with style sheets and XHTML.

Blue Vertigo

While not strictly a CSS resource, this page has extensive visual design, photography, and font links that should keep you busy for awhile.

The Fixor

A big list of CSS resources. I haven't really taken a look at this page yet.

CSS Creator

The CSS Creator's CSS links page, with descriptions.

CSS Pointers

Another site I've never heard of before. They have a very long list of resources, some internal, some external.

Roderick Howards CSS Directory

Fairly new as far as I know, this page is well divided into precise categories for easy reference. One of the better link pages.

Web Standards Group

They have their own link page and it's a pretty good one. Lots of links to example sites.

CSS Discuss

The front page of the discuss-wiki site is actually an excellent CSS resource links page. If you haven't already joined the list, you should.

Veerle's CSS Collection

Veerle put together this file for download. One of the best collections of critical CSS resources, articles, and examples on the web.

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